花里 ゲスト 
昭和48年2月11日 旧花里 開店 初回スタッフ 旧花里入口  右から高嶋忠夫 寿美花代 ままさん
久元神戸市長 ナミねえ 井戸県知事 藤崎マーケット 田崎さん 水谷千重子さん  友近
さわきのおやぶん 吉田たち


“Best Beef @ Hanasato = Good Life” Me and my girlfriend knew Hanasato from Tripadvisor and marked the restaurant as a must-go destination during our Songkran trip away from Thailand.
Hours driven from Kanto to Kansai were not wasted, the beef here is the best I've ever had. It melts in your mouth and it leaves pure happiness behind
once you swallowed. Moreover, the Chef and staffs here are nice and friendly, so it felt very comfortable eating here. 5 Stars are too little to give, this
place deserves 10.
“Замечательное место!!! Очень гостепр
иимный хозяин!”
Посетили это место вместе с женой, остались в полном восторге! Невероятно гос
теприимный хозяин, который ещё и говорит по-русски! Блюда, приготовленные им,
выше всяких похвал! Если будете в Осаке или просто проезжать мимо, это место о
бязательно к посещению!
““Worthwhile visit ” We went to Kobe just to eat at this place and we do not regret it. To start the service is very nice, although the staff does not speak a lot of english, they
make their best effort to show you the whole menu and the choices you have.
The owner and chef makes you feel very welcome, and gives your dinner experience a home like feel. He really does everything to ensure your meal is good
and your time is pleasant.
The food is perfect, delicious, and generous. At the beginning you may think that is not enough, but then, everything comes into place and the amounts are
The beef, wow!!! It really melts down in your mouth. I did not believe it until I tried it. The side dishes were very good and the price/quality ratio was more
than good.
A must if you're in Kobe or even close
Finishing Off Our Japan Trip Right. ” Picking the right Kobe Beef restaurant during a Japan trip can be kind of scary but Hanasato is definitely a restaurant worth visiting. This restaurant has it
all; great food, warm atmosphere, and they're very tourist friendly. They have a recommended 10 course meal that's filling and you get to try everything for
a relatively inexpensive price(6000JPY). It's easily accessible with a JR pass making it a perfect stop for tourists like myself.
Wonderful chef and sensational food” Being celiac it is very difficult to communicate my food requirements in Japan. The chef and staff at this restaurant went above and beyond to make "safe"
food which was impeccably presented and full of flavor! The chef came and chatted to us repeatedly which was fantastic! He even made us "presents" of
fish, bamboo and sorbet which was so kind! This was such a great experience for us, insanely tasty food, friendly and fun, and very reasonably priced!
Everyone must visit here when in Kobe!!!!
“Wonderful beef” Me and and my boyfriend had dinner there, we wanted to try a great cut of Kobe beef since we are in Kobe, and that's what we found.
The beef was great, the baby squid was also amazing.
The owners wore very polite and responsive.
We had so much fun, this is definitely a place to have dinner or lunch if you are visiting Kobe.

Thanks very much for the wonderful time Sasha :)
Великолепный Японский ресторан!” Остались незабываемые впечатления от посещения этого ресторана. Вкусная ра
знообразная еда, думаю, угодит даже слишком разборчивому гурману! Очень друж
елюбный хозяин(знает русский язык) , душевная домашняя обстановка и милый пе
рсонал. Цены очень даже приемлемые. При удобном случае хотелось бы опять посе
тить это приятное местечко. В предвкушении...
Diamond in the rough” This was great. The people were very helpful and attentive. They spoke some English. The price was great for the amount of food which were not able to
finish. Part of the meal was some seasonal food which I really enjoyed. Some soft jazz was playing
“老?好人到?.....d野好食到?.....價錢底到?......100讚” 一行6人家庭旅遊(有老?嫩)到神?兩天自駕由,第一?先來鐡板火燒神?牛?$500+ / 1位 需有小小肉赤但係都?,不過真係勁熱氣(喉?小許不適)。
和角落偏廳,最後老?不好意思地按排偏廳就座(其實位置不錯),開始點菜因小弟日文欠俸老?英語不通,老?手指指介紹traveller special set多 x 6, 因吾想6個
一開始開胃菜六款各有特色,食得出是自家製的 - 好食 ,接着便是魚生共四款,新鮮是肯定的有油甘魚牡丹蝦及?拿魚....?.....正,最後一款不知明物體類似生
腸,問一下後生仔,?面有難色只?是魚?臟, 我就問是否同生魚BB有關, 他微笑點頭,我二話不?就住咀送.....補身呀, 再來是松葉蟹半隻(蟹?全拆好,蟹貢半開)--
鮮甜好味,到主菜了-- 網燒Hida牛脊(因老?知我們前一?已吃kobe牛)就拿Hida牛我們試,他説和kobe牛是同級的, 一看?滿油花, ??量(用一口牛來算有6-7口)略
燒至4成不加任何調味, 入口即化油香滿咀,吾敢講比kobe好但一定不會輸---滿足,席間我哥問的牛肉??吾知生食如何, 老?就(打刀j我地,我想可能處理方式
不同(用吾同針板和刀等等), 老?救了我們一命,其中兩成員不吃牛老?改為薄?煮?--肥美可口 讚 ,此時老?退席叫我們慢用,到這裡我們一家已飽九成了(心想
這一?超?了), 正期待甜品的出現來劃上完美句號,?時遲那時快,一杯清水帶上一塊桑葉的飲品俸上,(心想可能是一些青檸水?助消化)但細看之下竟發現數條
粥.....粥.....JOKE! -----老??玩?。
Best resturant in japan” We visited Hanasato on our last evening in Japan. We read about the friendly chef and great food and found that everything was true... and more!
Even though the English speaking staff was off this evening, everyone was so friendly and explained all dishes and drinks.
We went for the tasting menu and got a truely delicious and authentic experience. The starters were good (even though we were not always sure what we
are eating). The Hida beef is excellent, and the chef threw in a great crab salad on the house. The desert ice cream is also very good.
We highly recommend this place, and we will make every effort to come back to Japan and especially to Hanasato restaurant!
